Hello Darkness my old Friend

Hey there, it’s been a while! So long in fact that I decided the blog needed a new theme. That decision was made 6 hours ago. It should not take me 6 hours to swap out a pre-built theme. Absolutely not the fault of either Hugo or Netlify, I’m just having a brain fog day. In the end I scrapped the whole thing in Netlify and started again, it was just easier that way.
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I’ve Gone all Static!

It only seems like yesterday that I set up a new blog. It was actually a couple of months ago. How many posts do you think I’ve written since the initial one? Yep, you guessed it, none. A big fat 0. I think that’s partially down to the fact that I really wanted my blog running on the Ghost platform, but for reasons I won’t go into, couldn’t. With a heavy sigh I then turned to the old default for blogging, WordPress.
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