World Suicide Prevention Day
I’m a day late with this. Apologies but it’s taken some time and considerable effort to write. If you were anywhere near social media yesterday (10 September) you will know it was World Suicide Prevention Day, an event that’s intended to raise awareness about suicide and the surrounding issues.
For those who don’t know, depression, GAD (Generalised Anxiety Disorder) and social anxiety have been almost constant companions throughout most of my adult life.
Hello Darkness my old Friend
Hey there, it’s been a while! So long in fact that I decided the blog needed a new theme. That decision was made 6 hours ago. It should not take me 6 hours to swap out a pre-built theme. Absolutely not the fault of either Hugo or Netlify, I’m just having a brain fog day. In the end I scrapped the whole thing in Netlify and started again, it was just easier that way.
I’ve Gone all Static!
It only seems like yesterday that I set up a new blog. It was actually a couple of months ago. How many posts do you think I’ve written since the initial one? Yep, you guessed it, none. A big fat 0. I think that’s partially down to the fact that I really wanted my blog running on the Ghost platform, but for reasons I won’t go into, couldn’t. With a heavy sigh I then turned to the old default for blogging, WordPress.